Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Thinking of jumping ship March 13

Well, we picked up a lot of new people at our stop last night and there were a lot more on the floor when I went out to look at the weather. My room doesn't have a window so I need to go to the deck from time to time and I do my best to walk around a bit but it is getting harder and harder.

Even with no islands the sea as so beautiful.

I am trying to capture the color of the water here but the picture is not nearly as brilliant as it was in person.

Now a word about the Muslims!
Who knew there would be a Mosque on the ferry?
Every morning at 4:00 am they broadcast the call to prayer very loudly all over the ship. Then they would broadcast the whole prayer ritual too.
This after we stopped and boarded a few hundred passengers at 2:00 am.
I didn't count how many times there was prayer in a day, at least three.

Six taps in a wet room where the Muslims wash their hands and feet before they go to prayers.

These guys asked me to take their picture. I asked what they wanted me to do with it and they didn't know so I told them I was going to post it on my blog. They seemed happy.

Our next stop is at Ende on the beautiful island of Flores. Just as we were getting there I was deciding to get off the ship. I didn't know what I would do next but I thought anything would be better than this. I mentioned it to one of the crew and he helped me put things into perspective.

Never take this boat folks, not only is it not a holiday boat it isn't even a good travelling boat.

The beautiful island of Flores is many colors of green, sometimes with trees and sometimes the undulating volcano peaks look like they are covered with green velvet. It is known as the most beautiful island in the group.

Coming to the harbour.

Pulling our boat sideways with ropes.

As the passengers leave I know the numbers coming back on will be greater.

Pulling back from the Flores harbour as a shower passes through. Yes, it is me, still on the boat.

We have another 2:00 am stop again tonight at Waingapu.
We were supposed to get to Kupang at 4:00 am but we are running late and will arrive some time in the afternoon.
I can't wait.

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