It was already dark when I arrived so I booked my trip to Gili in the morning and turned in so I could at least walk the beach a bit in the morning.
It was a beautiful sunrise and I just sat and watched. There is a serious undertow on this beach. You could actually see it happening.

This weird plant/cactus is one of my faves.

I took advantage of the complementary breakfast. I am getting spoiled by the freshly made juices every morning.
I was picked up by the shuttle after breakfast and it took at least an hour to drive up to the ferry dock. What beautiful country we went through, lush rain forests and farms. On Bali island I saw little more than towns, strung together one after the other.
My ferry turned out to be the boat with the striped awning. They were OK with me talking about the ferry as long as they had my money.
Here people about to board the boat are gathered. Behind them is a food stall.

They loaded cargo for at least half an hour, mostly water jugs and baskets of produce. When the center of the boat was full of stuff they let the people on. There were over 60 people with not a life jacket in sight. We boarded the usual way which is to wade in the water until you can crawl into the area beside the motor.
I learned about boat boarding in Thailand and I quickly became accustomed to that process.

I had trouble judging this mans age as his skin was weathered and half his teeth were missing so I don't know if he is the child's father or grandfather. She fell asleep in his arms as soon as thee boat started to move.
Below is the ferry port on Gili Air. There are three Gili Islands in close proximity. The others are Gili Meno, known as the honeymoon island and Gili Trawangan, known as the party island. I was only on Gili Air.

Here is my bungalow, down the beach a ways on the quiet side. I paid less than $12.00 US for this "beaut".

Finally, the unspoiled wilderness I have been yearning for. The dirt path runs along the beach and cows are grazing happily in the fields.
There are deep areas between the many sandbars and it looks like the fishing is good.
Down on the more developed side things are still pretty rustic. There are no cars on the island and I didn't even see a motorbike. You can rent a bike. The island is very small. It takes less than two hours to walk around it.
Here is the other means of transport. I didn't use one. The tiny horses were very skinny and looked tired.

Well, there were a few modern places. This is part of a resturant.

Here is my bungalow, down the beach a ways on the quiet side. I paid less than $12.00 US for this "beaut".

Finally, the unspoiled wilderness I have been yearning for. The dirt path runs along the beach and cows are grazing happily in the fields.
There are deep areas between the many sandbars and it looks like the fishing is good.
Down on the more developed side things are still pretty rustic. There are no cars on the island and I didn't even see a motorbike. You can rent a bike. The island is very small. It takes less than two hours to walk around it.
Here is the other means of transport. I didn't use one. The tiny horses were very skinny and looked tired.
I sat here and finished my book. This is the view in front of my palace.
This is the beach hut I was sitting in.
The following are some scenes on the island.

Well, there were a few modern places. This is part of a resturant.

The fellow on the left suggested I take their picture and make a post card out of it.
I told him it would go on the Internet instead. Enjoy!
These kids, unlike the ones in many other places were completely uninterested in me or posing for a picture. That tells me that tourism hasn't yet affected their young lives.
I accidentally got a classic here, a couple kissing on the beach at sundown. I was so busy framing the scene that I didn't even n otice the people when I took the picture.
That sand bar wasn't vi sable a few hours ago.
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