The last day in Vang Vieng my computer wasn't picking up the hotel wireless and the same thing here in Luang Prabang, so I spent today wandering around town and popping into several computer service places. They either completely didn't speak English or they didn't have wireless themselves. Two stores insisted they look at it anyway so we did that but they didn't come up with anything. Then I went to an Internet cafe and posted some blogs and then I went for supper. The restaurant had wi-fi and I got on. Good news, its not my machine, but I still can't get on at my hotel.
On my walk around I popped in to Wat Bouphavipassnaram, a nice little neighbourhood Wat.

I hadn't seen these before. They appear to be some kind of burners.

This is the gong house. (Snicker!) My apologies to the Buddhists but I don't know what else to call it. Very ornate.

I was also looking for a bank to get some American money and surprisingly its not that easy. I had to book my Blue Morpho tour in Peru for next August right away before it was full and now I need to wire American money to them. It will all work out and is good for exercise and meeting people.
You might think this window is in Chili or Mexico but you'd be wrong.

Next I wandered into Wat Maysouvanhnaphoumaram.

It was full of many Buddhas,

and a beautiful gong.

Here is today's door, showing the outside front of the temple which is all golden.

They had some nice Buddhas out in the yard. This one may have been drinking Ayahuasca.

Here is a very tenacious flower in the Temple yard.

This roof was part of the temple complex too. I have no idea who it is.

Well, I decided not to take any tours here. There is lots of stuff to see and do in town that I can get to on foot and I need to cut down on Temples anyway. I am saving myself for Angkor Wat next week.
I like Luang Prabang. It is a vibrant city but relaxed at the same time. The old quarter is beautiful. I have three more nights here which will be just about right.
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