It is hot and pounding the pavement in the unrelenting heat was not enjoyable. I must adopt the native ways of effort in the early morning and late afternoon with lots of resting in between. It does cool off nice in the evening though.

There are traditional markets and regular stores mixed in with elegant spas and every kind of restaurant.

I found a path to the beach. Most of the ocean frontage is taken up by resorts. There were some raised wooden platforms that nobody was using which looked just right for a nap. I settled down with my day pack for a pillow and when I woke up a half hour later I found the Thai Massage people were waiting for me to get off their table, too polite to wake me up!

A bar .... come back later and it will be open!
My tan is coming back now but the sun was getting hot too.
I went in search of a cool place and a glass of lemonade.
The rest of the early afternoon was spent moving from place to place ordering cold drinks until I got into my place.
In the evening the weather was beautiful. I explored down on the beach again.
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