Walking home I passed by this school. I was waving at the kids from outside the fence and one of the teachers invited me in.
The guard dogs attacked me and before they got them stopped one had already given me a warning bite which broke the skin on my leg through my clothes. Then I got to meet all the teachers including the Principal and when they were assured I was alright I got to meet the children.
It is a special education school for kids with all kinds of handicaps, hearing, visual and mental. I sat with them while they had their snack break.

Here is the flower of the day.
In the afternoon I boarded the local taxi to go 45 kms to the Tiger Temple. As you can see, it is benches in the back of a truck. We were on the highway with it but I was lucky enough to be riding with the driver this trip. My turn will come though.

At the tiger park with whatever this is. It looks like a dear and it was tame like a pet.
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