So here I am in the airport 8 hours later and in another hour I can check in and get rid of this bag. I was feeling a lot like a bag lady sitting with my cart complete with lunch bag, coke, can of peanuts a pair of travel socks all ready to go and a garbage bag tied on for good measure. So here I am all spread out in my little airport camp with my feet up reading.

The flight will be 9 hours this leg and I will arrive there at 1 am but that will be 5 am here and 7 am in Auckland where I got up this morning at 3.30am.
I am super excited to be going though and hopefully I won't be too grumpy to write my first impressions.
My wrap up impressions of New Zealand:
1. Kerikeri is a wonderful small town to visit in the North Country.
2. Loved the Morie culture. They have good relations with the other cultures there and are positive that one day their treaty will be completely honoured. They have peaceful demonstrations to that end every anniversary of treaty day.
1. The wind coming off the water is so cold in the spring.
2. Auckland was, well, just a city and except for the harbour much like home.
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