Tuesday, November 2, 2010

My first day in Kerikeri

Another day has passed and I have no pictures to show you. I just slept the day away.

I was up for breakfast and then went back and slept until 3pm. I guess it was much needed. I was so tired I was not even aware of it. We had been touring hard, getting up early many days and sleeping on overnight buses sometimes.

Today will mark a change for me, when I go from being a tourist to being a traveller. I look forward to a style of travelling where there is not so much rush. A slower pace will be easier to take and a different kind of enjoyable.

Kerikeri is a town well adapted to that style of travel. I am in a nice hostel here and most of the others are here for more than a few days too.

I made a batch of stew for supper and put some away in the freezer. I had to pick up some more stuff from the store, read for a while and now at 9:00pm I feel like going back to bed again.

It is rather cold here but is expected to warm up by the weekend. I joke with the folks here and call them weird because in the morning they throw open all the windows and patio doors even though it is quite cold outside. They think I am weird because I am from Canada and I can't take their cold weather. I say, "I can take it outside where it is supposed to be!" It was down to almost freezing last night.


Polar Pilot said...

I am surprised it is that cool!

Fay said...

It felt like the 20's mid-day yesterday but the previous night was near freezing so the morning starts out cold.
Today it was 30 by mid-day.

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