It is nearly the end of April and the snow is just gone. It is more noticeably dingy looking to someone from away who hasn't dealt with snow banks all winter. If I lived here last winter I would be enjoying the fresh almost warm weather and not complaining about the dust and occasional snow flurry each day. It will all be different in a couple of weeks when the rain washes away the winters dirt and the grass and trees begin to green up.

Of course it has to be this way when you have four seasons. I am one who welcomes the first snow in the fall that covers the old grass and gardens with a fresh clean blanket of snow. The North American prairie weather is in my blood from the clear blue skies to the smell and feel of freshly ploughed earth.
Just a random house waiting for spring to perk up its attire.

My day passed uneventfully with more sorting and accomplishing of small tasks. The world of paper which I left behind is quickly normalizing and getting updated, or perhaps it is me getting normalized and updated.
It is good to be home.
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