Yesterday was another busy day. We set off around noon for Phillip's Island to view the Little Penguins as they returned to their homes for the night. This is the only picture I have as no photography is allowed.

We arrived at the location about 7:00 PM and took seats in the bleachers on the beach to wait for the sun to set. Right after dusk, when it is safer for them, the penguins gather into groups of about 15 at the waters edge and make the terrifying dash together across the beach. After they cross the beach they climb the hills behind the beach to reach their boroughs.
It was a delight to see them. They are only about 1 foot tall and are completely exhausted from their fishing, so much so that they stop frequently to rest on the way home.

Prior to the penguins, we stopped at Swan Lake, a nature conservatory.

Here we saw the beautiful black swans.

Our group walking the nature trail.

Of course there is always another beach to see.

I think there must be a zoo on every tour. This momma roo has a joey peeking out of the pouch.

The hungry Emus waiting for food.

Baby Emu came for food too.

A Koala doing what he does best.
We also saw Tasmanian devils and dingo dogs at this place.
The tours we have had have been great and I have enjoyed seeing all the animals.
Today was finally nice and warm and we were out with no coats. It is cold here in the south still, especially after having come from the tropical climate farther north.
We used this free trolley to get around the city centre.

We went to the top of a building to the Eureka Sky Deck where we had a beautiful clear day to view the city. They had an experience called the "Edge" in which they put you into a glass box which they then poke out the side of the building. Susan saw fit to do this, but of course they didn't allow camera's.

The view of Melbourne's business district from the tower.

The glass box. Ha, that would be the day.
I had my eyes covered in the elevator on the way up until I realized it wasn't glass.
So that was our day today plus doing laundry and going to the market to get some fresh vegetables for supper.

On the observation deck.
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