I landed at Alison's and luckily she was away until after I had unpacked, washed and repacked all the clothes from my Peru bag, because things got a bit messy in her house.
Then I cleaned out the perishables I had stored at Joanne and Bert's cottage at Pike Lake. Bert arrived home a day early and we debriefed to each other our respective trips.
Next, I headed out to Darcy and Gord's farm. I was to be Mason's driver to his sports events while his parents were harvesting. It turned out I wasn't needed because of all the rain they were having.
I thought Gord should know I was expecting better weather than this, and he said he was too! Most farmers were busy finding small jobs for themselves that they could easily drop if it ever stopped raining.

This sprayer is monstrous, bigger than the truck. In my days on the farm the sprayer wasn't even bigger than a half-ton truck.

Old style wooden granary. On the prairies you can see for miles.......
.....and miles and miles and miles.

The grain has been ripe for a while and because of all the rain it is bending over in all directions.

One thing about rain, it makes for good and abundant hay.
I traveled to Moose Jaw and Regina mid way through my farm stay and did more visiting.

Next I visited Vanguard where my friend Bev gave me a tour of the town. Many of the houses were gone and the town was surprisingly empty.
The Trove Deli is new though and a fine place to have lunch.
I missed seeing some other friends. Who knew a couple of old farmers would go on a holiday at harvest time.
I stopped for a short visit in Blumenort on the way home and that is it for Saskatchewan for at least 6 months.
Then I went back to Alison's in Asquith to finish off details before my trip.
She is likely happy to have my my piles of stuff out of her living room. I think she was wishing she wasn't home again.
It was nice to see everyone. See you in the spring.
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