This was yesterdays adventures taking a tour out to Port Arthur where there was a ruins from an early prison. As usual we stopped many places along the way. I must say, these Aussies know how to jam pack a tour full of stuff.
This is Hobart city lookout on Rosney hill, our first stop.
In the historic village of Richmond we saw Australia's oldest bridge on which construction started in 1823 ......

and many buildings from the 1800's including Australia's oldest church and jail.
A view driving along the Forestier peninsula.
This is near a rock formation called the Devils Kitchen where the waves make caves in the rock and after a time the rocks in the ceiling of the cave fall in leaving what seems to be a room shaped hole.

This is called the Remarkable Cave. In low tide you can walk through it out to the beach. We saw another rock formation they call the Tasman arch.

We had a cruise on the bay in this boat.
This is near a rock formation called the Devils Kitchen where the waves make caves in the rock and after a time the rocks in the ceiling of the cave fall in leaving what seems to be a room shaped hole.

This is called the Remarkable Cave. In low tide you can walk through it out to the beach. We saw another rock formation they call the Tasman arch.
Here we are at the Port Arthur site. Susan is standing in the ruins of an old church.

We had a cruise on the bay in this boat.
Two islands in the bay. The smaller one in the foreground was a graveyard and the other was where they kept the young prisoners to have them separate from the men.
On the way home we stopped at a Tasmanian Devil Conservation Park. It was great to finally get a good look at these little guys.
This is one of the prison buildings.
The story of the prison colony is horrendous and a blot on Britain's history.
On the way home we stopped at a Tasmanian Devil Conservation Park. It was great to finally get a good look at these little guys.

You two sure do fine touring - the pics give a great sense of the story of your travels
The whole month is a blur now and these little stories will help me sort it out later.
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